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Species: Homo sapiens
Rearrangement type: Deletions
Number of deletions: 1312

The most frequent breakpoints are:

5' breakpoints 3' breakpoints
mtDNA position n Frequency mtDNA position n Frequency
5787 12 0.91 % 16072 57 4.345 %
7402 8 0.61 % 16071 55 4.192 %
8387 7 0.53 % 16073 34 2.591 %
6173 6 0.46 % 16075 22 1.677 %
8032 6 0.46 % 16070 20 1.524 %

The distribution of 5′- (blue bars) and 3′- (red bars) deletion breakpoints in the Homo sapiens mtDNA.
The values were grouped in 100-nt windows.

Two-dimensional scatterplot showing the location of the reported mtDNA deletions. Each dot represents an mtDNA rearrangement with the 5’ breakpoint on the x-axis and the 3’ breakpoint on the y-axis.